Trò chuyện cuộc sống

  • Good boy!

    There's three main stages to the training, Richard. The first stage is when they are very, very little, when they're puppies. There they're just made to play with each other and play with other people...

    Jun 27,2015
  • The Grand Prix

    For his weeks we're talking about the world's most expensive sport. Yes, we're already well into this year's Formula One Grands Prix...

    Jun 27,2015
  • On top of the world

    You're going to Everest you've got to go up and of course when you go higher there is no air, so that makes it extremely difficult to breathe, the lack of oxygen um... I think it's colder and obviously the climbing hazards; very, very dangerous...

    Jun 27,2015
  • Creature comforts

    You can buy tea in Portugal but compared to English tea it seems to be very, very weak. So in Portugal when you ask for a black tea, a cha preta, it's um... a very weak tea [which] they often serve with hot milk, which is very wrong for an English person...

    Jun 27,2015
  • Under the weather

    It's cold, it's wet and it's winter, so perhaps it's not surprising that Richard's not feeling very well...

    Jun 27,2015
  • O Christmas tree!

    It's an evergreen tree so for a long, long time before Christianity started, an evergreen tree was symbolic of eternal life so often when they had celebrations in the wintertime the tree was used as a symbol. It was about four to five hundred years ago in Germany that they started to introduce the tr..

    Jun 27,2015
  • Say 'cheese'!

    For this week's we're talking about making cheese...

    Jun 27,2015
  • Catching up

    For this week's, I'm catching up with my sister-in-law Sue..

    Jun 27,2015
  • Come camping!

    Well, now it's the summer and what does the summer mean? Holidays, and for us, camping...

    Jun 26,2015
  • In focus

    For this week's we're talking about photography...

    Jun 26,2015