Jackie: It's cold, it's wet and it's winter, so perhaps it's not surprising that Richard's not feeling very well. So for this week's podcastsinenglish.com we're talking about being under the weather. Richard, what's the matter?
Richard: I've got a cold.
Jackie: Ooooh [both laugh]
Richard: Yes. I was feeling a little er... run down a few days ago and then it's started off, I got a blocked nose yesterday and er... today, I've got a runny nose.
Jackie: At least you've got a box of tissues nearby.
Richard: Yes, that's one thing, I suppose.
Jackie: People... people often do get colds don't they, Richard, in the wintertime? Is it because it is cold outside?
Richard: I think you've got to catch a cold from someone and I think it's easier to catch things when people are in an enclosed space.
Jackie: So the windows are closed as well and there's less, maybe less air circulating?
Richard: Yes, I think (coughs), yes, that's the case, yes.
Jackie: Er... Richard, it sounds like you've got a horrible cough as well.
Richard: Yes, the cough has started and I've got a sore throat as well.
Jackie: We've got some medicine upstairs, Richard, are you going to take any of that?
Richard: I don't usually like to take pills but I think for a... for a cold, when I've got a headache especially, (I've) got to take some paracetamol at least.
Jackie: And what about getting some cough mixture?
Richard: Um... [laughs] fortunately the cough's not too bad at the moment so maybe later if it gets worse.
Jackie: I think, Richard, you're feeling a bit sorry for yourself.
Richard: Yes, well I just... I just don't feel like doing anything. I don't feel like eating...
Jackie: You don't feel like eating?
Richard: Yes
Jackie: That means you're sick.
Richard: Yes. The only time I'm really sick that's the only time I lose my appetite, that's true. Yeah, I feel achy as well, so hopefully the paracetamol should sort that.
Jackie: Well, it should do. You're not going to go to the doctor's though are you?
Richard: No, I don't think so, I just need to rest up for a few days.
Jackie: Mmm. Do you think you've got a temperature?
Richard: Well, you don't normally have a temperature with a cold, I think if you had the flu, which is slightly different, you may get a temperature or a fever but I don't think so at the moment.
Jackie: No sneezing yet?
Richard: [laughs] Are you wishing this on me? No, no sneezing as yet.
Jackie: Now I know this morning you said you didn't feel like getting up so I think, Richard, you should go back to bed and I'll bring you up a nice hot water bottle.
Richard: Oh, that sounds good.