Jackie: For this week's podcastsinenglish.com, I'm catching up with my sister-in-law Sue. Hi, Sue.
Sue: Hi, Jackie.
Jackie: Haven't seen you now for... is it two years?
Sue: Yep, it will be two years, yes.
Jackie: Gosh, time flies. So um... you've got two children.
Sue: Yes
Jackie: Jo and Jack.
Sue: Yes
Jackie: How old is Jack now?
Sue: 25
Jackie: Wow
Sue: Yeah, and he works for IPC Media in London.
Jackie: Oh really? He works in London now, does he?
Sue: He's working in London, yeah, which is right by Tower Bridge.
Jackie: Right
Sue: He works as a journalist um... and that involves lots of different magazines, all sporting, so he works for Rugby World and Golf Monthly, he gets to go to lots of different events.
Jackie: Wow
Sue: He really likes that so he plays lots of golf, watches rugby um...
Jackie: All for his job?
Sue: All for his job.
Jackie: Well, lucky Jack.
Sue: Yes, so that's quite good.
Jackie: So Jo's a little bit, Joanna, she's a little bit younger, isn't she?
Sue: 23
Jackie: Right, okay.
Sue: And she's now working for Hertfordshire County Council at the Education Department.
Jackie: Oh, right. What's she doing there?
Sue: She goes into schools and helps um... children between 11 and 16, um... er... to achieve targets so if they're not performing very well...
Jackie: ...at school?
Sue: Yep
Jackie: Right, okay.
Sue: ...And that's all to do with looked after children*. Which means they're children that are either in children's homes or um... they are in the fostering system um... they're not children that live at home with their parents.
Jackie: Ah right. Ah, they're not with their parents okay, so they need a little bit of special attention.
Sue: Yes. 'Cos we know they don't achieve as well as normal families... people.
Jackie: Children in a... in a normal family environment.
Sue: In a normal environment, yes.
Jackie: Yes. And she enjoys that?
Sue: She enjoys that, yeah. She goes in yeah um... yeah, so she's doing really well doing that, she likes it, she's been doing it a year now.
Jackie: Fantastic. What about Kevin?
Sue: He's fine. He's still working very hard. He did the Olympics, he's working, he's...
Jackie: He didn't do the Olympics. [both laugh]
Sue: No, he didn't do the Olympics all on his own. He um... helped...
Jackie: He helped build some of the structures, didn't he?
Sue: The structures, yeah.
Jackie: Fantastic
Sue: But that's all been taken down now. He's working on the Olympic legacy now which means it's what's left of the Olympics 'cos they've finished, he's trying to make that work.
Jackie: Oh right.
Sue: Um... and he's also putting up um... some new houses in Greenwich, in London.
Jackie: Right. So he's a... he's a busy man.
Sue: He's very busy too, yeah.
Jackie: Good. And what about yourself, Sue?
Sue: I work for the adoption team in Hertfordshire County Council and I'm very busy too because there's a lot of children out there that need adopting and there's a lot of people who are trying to adopt.
Jackie: Well, that's good. And you... you help to put the two groups together.
Sue: Yeah. I try to help. I run the groups so that's quite good too.
Jackie: Good. Well, looking forward to seeing more of you and Kevin, 'cos you're here, over here without your children and more catching up.
Sue: Yes. Okay thank you, Jackie.
Jackie: Thank you, Sue.