Amanda: So people keep asking everyone why we’re here and what we have in common is that we’re all heart-broken that so many are getting so far ahead and while so few are being kept so very far behind.
We know that our monetary system is broken… When you play Monopoly, the game, the money has value as long as everyone is playing and the more people that don’t collect Go and don’t… don’t pass Go and don’t collect their 200 dollars the less that money has value until one person has all the money and all the property and we say that that’s the point where that person won but that’s also the point we put the game back in the box and put it back in the closet. And that money has value to no one, including the winner. So we’re here because we’re getting scared of that concentration of wealth and what we can do to fix it. And what we’re learning is that democracy is really hard, this is an experiment, democracy. It’s really hard and don’t trust anyone that’s giving you an easy answer.