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The little prince

The Queen has her very first great-grandson and the press... and the press who've been waiting three weeks outside the hospital, got their first view of the little prince.
Jul 04,2015

Richard: For this week's we're talking about... what else... [laughs] but the new royal baby?


Jackie: George Alexander Louis, also known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge, was born on the 22 July 2013.


Richard: Yes, so the Queen has her very first great-grandson and the press... and the press who've been waiting three weeks outside the hospital, got their first view of the little prince.

Jackie: And Richard what a fuss. [Richard laughs] What a fuss about a baby.

Richard: Yes. We're not really royalists, are we? But the news in Britain, it's just been about the royal baby constantly.


Jackie: All around the world.


Richard: All around the world, well, yes, indeed.


Jackie: First of all there was the big fuss about whether it was going to be a boy or a girl.


Richard: And then when it was going to be born.


Jackie: Because they said, I think, they expected the baby around the 13 July, and then...

Richard: Yes, and so 9 days late.

Jackie: Yes, and then the name, the fuss about the name.


Richard: I think that was the big thing. I mean, I was really surprised they didn't actually tell us the name for ages.


Jackie: But Richard, it was only two days.


Richard: Well had they, had they not decided by then?


Jackie: But actually what was interesting, William, the father, they waited...

Richard: William, yes?

Jackie: Yes. Prince William, the father um... everybody waited, one week to find out his name.


Richard: Oh, yeah?


Jackie: And his grandfather...

Richard: Charles

Jackie: ...Prince Charles, you won't remember, people waited a whole month to know his name.


Richard: Wow. Well, I suppose it is very important for the royals, they must have a very traditional name which they have chosen.


Jackie: Yes. 'Cos Kate and William are very different from Charles and Diana but the name was very, very traditional.


Richard: George, yes.


Jackie: Already six Georges.


Richard: Hmm. Yes, so will he be um... eventually, George VII then?


Jackie: Not necessarily, Richard. What's quite interesting, the last George was George VI, of course.


Richard: That was um... the present Queen's father.


Jackie: The present Queen's father. His first name was actually Albert.

Richard: Oh, really?

Jackie: Yeah, you can choose another name when you want to become King or Queen.


Richard: So he didn't like being King Albert so he choose King George. Oh, I didn't know that.


Jackie: The Queen is obviously the Queen now.

Richard: [both laugh] Queen Elizabeth II.

Jackie: Exactly. Now so Prince Charles isn't necessarily going to be Charles III, he can decide to be George VII [Richard laughs]. And then of course after Charles it's going to be William, so he could decide, if he wanted to... to be... to be George VII.


Richard: Yes, well, we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves, I think, um... by then...


Jackie: A long, long time away.


Richard: It might not even be a monarchy, we might even have a republic.

Jackie: Wow, that would be good. [both laugh]
