Richard: British food does not have a very good reputation. But the British public is mad about cooking programmes and many TV chefs are famous celebrities.
Jackie: Yes, and one programme that's been very popular recently is a competition for amateur bakers to show off their baking skills. And sales of baking equipment has gone up 15% as British people head into the kitchen and bake. So for this week's, we're talking about baking.
Richard: Right, Jackie, baking, that's just cooking in the oven, isn't it?
Jackie: Yes, that's right, yes.
Richard: What about roasting?
Jackie: Roasting is in the oven but you're using oil.
Richard: Ah, so cooking in the oven but without oil.
Jackie: Yes
Richard: Right. I must admit I did see the programme and I thought there'd only be a few things that they would be having on the programme, cooking in an oven, but there were loads, weren't there?
Jackie: Yes, I mean there are loads and loads and loads of things that are covered by baking but I think you can break it down into three main categories. Number one is bread…
Richard: And then number two is cakes.
Jackie: And er… number three, perhaps the biggest category, which is pastry. So for the bread Richard, I suppose it really means big loaves or smaller ones, buns.
Richard: Yes. Bit boring. I much prefer cakes myself and you've er… done quite a few cakes, haven't you?
Jackie: Cakes can also be large or small. Er… small ones, cupcakes, never made those.
Richard: I suppose brownies as well they're very popular but we don't make those do we?
Jackie: No. I think the most popular thing in the house at the moment is chocolate cake.
Richard: Mmm, delicious.
Jackie: And I think, Richard, actually um… of all the different kinds of baking it's cake making that you like the most, isn't it?
Richard: [laughs] I don't know like the most, I find it easier. So I've made a carrot cake, walnut cake and, I think, a banana cake.
Jackie: Yes, and very nice they are too. [Richard laughs] And I suppose, Richard, I'm more into the pastry making, aren't I? Things like pies and tarts.
Richard: Yes, of course the pies are savoury and tarts are sweet, yes?
Jackie: No, um… pork pies, for example are savoury, aren't they?
Richard: Yes, one of my favourites.
Jackie: But what did I make only the other day? I made an apple pie.
Richard: Of course, yes. Apple pie.
Jackie: So they can be both sweet and savoury.
Richard: Yes
Jackie: Lemon meringue pie.
Richard: Lemon meringue pie, you made that, delicious.
Jackie: And um… tarts, Richard, can also be sweet and savoury.
Richard: Well I know the sweet ones, you've made um… a lemon tart, haven't you? That was very nice.
Jackie: And what do we often have for lunch?
Richard: Of course, the savoury tart, the quiche.
Jackie: The quiche. I like to think I make [both laugh] quite a nice quiche. We have those for lunch.
Richard: So what's the difference, then, between pies and tarts then?
Jackie: Well, in general, Richard, the pie has pastry on the bottom and the top, it’s a… it's a covered thing.
Richard: Right...
Jackie: Whereas um… a tart is open, it's an open pie, there's just pastry on the bottom.
Richard: Ah, I never really thought about that.
Jackie: Mmm, but it's interesting, Richard, that we are the pie team, right? [both laugh]
Richard: Podcastsinenglish, yes, the pie team.
Jackie: And this is the first time we've done a podcast about pies.
Richard: [laughs] Maybe not the last.
Jackie: No. I'm going to put my pinny on and head into the kitchen.