The chart shows how long the average person needs to work to buy 20 cigarettes. 1 kg of bread and l kg of rice in six countries.
It takes 77 minutes of work for the average Indian worker to buy 20 cigarettes, almost twice as long as for workers in Mexico, Poland and the UK. Canadian and Brazilian workers work 17 and 18 minutes respectively. The average Brazilian worker has to work longest to buy l kg of bread-52 minutes. Mexican workers work slightly less-49 minutes. British and Canadian workers work the least time to buy l kg of bread-6 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. Polish workers work 21minutes and Indian ones 34. It takes the average Indian worker 79 minutes of work to buy l kg of rice. This is more than three times the time for workers in Mexico (25 minutes) and Poland (23 minutes). Again. the average British worker has to work the least time-8 minutes. Canadian workers work 11 minutes to buy l kg of rice and Brazilian ones 13.