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Coffee break extra

How keen are the pie team on expensive coffee machines? Do you agree?!

Jun 29,2015

Jackie: Now I'll tell you what we don't have and something that is very popular at the moment um... are these coffee machines, Nespresso is the most famous one.


Richard: Yes, very very... well the machines are quite expensive...

Jackie: Very expensive, Richard.

Richard: But those silly little cups you have to buy.

Jackie: No, they're little capsules.

Richard: The little capsules, they're horrendously expensive. I think they're... they're just a fad as far as I'm concerned.


Jackie: Well, you say they're a fad, but they're incredibly popular but even though the coffee that you buy for it costs three times more than you know, any other coffee...


Richard: Probably more I would have thought, yes. It's not for me.

Jackie: But I think they are very easy to use, aren't they?

Richard: Yes

Jackie: I suppose if you've got the money. Not for us.
