Jackie: For this week's podcastsinenglish.com we're talking about children. With me is Rob, hi Rob.
Rob: Hello
Jackie: Now Rob's a very good friend of mine and this is the first time I've seen him since having George, tell us about George.
Rob: Um... well, what to say? He's... he's one year old now and um... it's er... a wonderful experience.
Jackie: A life changing experience.
Rob: Very much so and um... I imagined that it would be a lot more difficult.
Jackie: Right
Rob: But it's... it's a real pleasure.
Jackie: A pleasure.
Rob: It really is.
Jackie: In what ways do you think your life has changed the most since having George?
Rob: The future. Considering the future. Um... when you're on your own or when you're with... in a marriage, um... you don't necessarily think about the future as much as you... as you do when you have a child. And I'm very conscious of leaving George with um... a... a future and also um... security and also um... something to look forward to.
Jackie: So obviously the future is something to think about. What about on a day-to-day basis, how's your daily life changed? Your routine.
Rob: Um... well, I certainly have less time. Um... I used to be able to do a lot more sports, I er... practically every morning I used to go to the sea to go swimming or surfing, but um...
Jackie: You don't do that.
Rob: I do that once or twice a week now.
Jackie: Oh right, okay.
Rob: Um... so yes, don't have as much time for myself.
Jackie: Now what I expected you to say, first of all to be honest Rob, I thought you'd say, oh yes, I don't sleep as much as I used to. Is that the case?
Rob: Um... not really.
Jackie: Oh, really?
Rob: Because we're really lucky er... George is a fantastic sleeper.
Jackie: Wow
Rob: So he goes to bed at eight and wakes up at eight.
Jackie: Twelve hours sleep?
Rob: Mmm mm
Jackie: Wow. No getting up at three o'clock in the morning?
Rob: No, he... that's stopped after three months.
Jackie: Fantastic
Rob: Yeah, and he's a tremendous er... sleeper...
Jackie: Wow
Rob: ...and we can have no complaints.
Jackie: You didn't get any paternity leave, did you?
Rob: Yes
Jackie: Oh right?
Rob: Mmm mm yes, I got um... two... two...
Jackie: Days?
Rob: Two weeks.
Jackie: Two weeks, right.
Rob: Two weeks, yes. Um... yeah, so that was er... helpful.
Jackie: Okay. Are there any, sounds a bit strange, but are there any kind of negative things about having George?
Rob: Er yes. um... I have become more of a worrier. I used to be much more relaxed and now I worry about um... his... the way he's sleeping, and if he catches a cold, or if he's well, or if...
Jackie: Do you worry about leaving him with strangers?
Rob: We don't leave him with strangers.
Jackie: Right
Rob: Um... so no.
Jackie: Not at all. What about leaving him with your... with your parents or with Anna's parents?
Rob: Um... yes, I do worry because um... perhaps they're not as used to young children as we are now. It's interesting and also I think as a parent you know your child better than anyone and their cries, you understand what they mean even if they're not articulating what they want and we understand. It's really interesting about parents just know.
Jackie: Well, George is a complete delight and I'm really looking forward to seeing him growing up.
Rob: Thank you.