Jackie: For this week's podcastsinenglish.com I’m talking to Sue, hi Sue.
Sue: Hi, Jackie.
Jackie: Sue, um… I know that you went on a cruise, recently.
Sue: A Mediterranean cruise.
Jackie: Wow, that sounds nice.
Sue: Great, yeah, it was really nice.
Jackie: Had you been on a cruise before?
Sue: No
Jackie: First time
Sue: First time, yeah.
Jackie: And it must have been great to go on that holiday without your kids.
Sue: Well, they actually came with us.
Jackie: Oh, they came with you?
Sue: Yes, they decided… when we were looking at the brochures, we didn’t think they’d want to come, but when we were looking at the brochures they said, “Oh yes, we’d like to come, free holiday, we’d like to come”.
Jackie: But how old are the children?
Sue: 22 and 20
Jackie: [laughs] And they wanted to go on holiday with mum and dad.
Sue: Yes, they did.
Jackie: Right
Sue: So that was quite nice.
Jackie: And how long was the cruise for?
Sue: Seven days
Jackie: Right, ok. And so you got on well as a family when you were on holiday together?
Sue: Yes, we all did everything together. We got off at every port and we all went round together. Kevin did the itinerary and hopping on and off trains in different countries, um… and everybody was fine, yeah, it was really good. It was very nice.
Jackie: Well, it’s nice that your children want to carry on being on holiday with you.
Sue: Expensive, [Jackie laughs] very expensive. But they have been with us before, they have come… they have wanted to be with us before.
Jackie: There’ve been other situations where they’ve wanted to be with you.
Sue: Yes, one New Year’s Eve um… we had a party for our friends at our house…
Jackie: Right
Sue: …and um… it got to ten to twelve and Joanna, our youngest daughter, decided that she was wanting to come home with her friends so she rang and said, “Can I come home and have New Year’s Eve with you?” and so she came home and we… they had New Year’s Eve with us and her friends and then Jack at three minutes past twelve, with his friends, descended on us so we had a house full of youngsters.
Jackie: So, how old was Joanna when she called to say she was coming round?
Sue: 19… 18
Jackie: So, she was 18…
Sue: Yup
Jackie: …and she’d gone out with her friends of a similar age… of a similar age.
Sue: And she decided, well they all decided, they would come back and have it with us probably cos they knew it was a party at our house and there would be drinks there that they wouldn’t have to pay for.
Jackie: [laughs] And how old was Jack when he turned up, then?
Sue: He would be 20.
Jackie: And with all his mates…
Sue: With his friends yeah.
Jackie: Wow
Sue: They didn’t actually make it before um… twelve o’clock but three minutes after, it was quite good, quite good.
Jackie: So, do you have a close relationship then with your children?
Sue: Yes, we do have a close relationship. We have our arguments as well though but we do have a close relationship, yeah.
Jackie: Great
Sue: Yeah. We’ve actually got another holiday booked in January.
Jackie: Oh, that’s nice.
Sue: But um… we’re hoping that they don’t come this time.
Jackie: [both laugh] A holiday without the kids.
Sue: A holiday without the children, yes, that would be nice.
Jackie: Thanks, Sue.