Trò chuyện cuộc sống

  • London Olympics

    Well, I think that leads nicely into the legacy actually Richard because the Olympic Stadium, the Olympic Park, is based in the East End of London which is, traditionally, a hard-up area, it's a poorer area of London and one of the things that they said was, we will regenerate this area. There is a n..

    Jul 02,2015
  • Trial by jury

    For us it's interesting that the Oscar Pistorius case will not have a jury and the reason that the politician's wife is hitting the headlines is because the jury recently couldn't reach a verdict and they're having to do a whole retrial...

    Jul 02,2015
  • Ironman!

    So a triathlon involves swimming followed by a cycle and then a run. And the swim, the cycle and the run can vary in length depending on the race so there’s varying different lengths of triathlons...

    Jul 02,2015
  • India, incredible India extra

    So Southern Indian cuisine um… their cooking is… it's predominantly vegetarian, most people in the south of India are vegetarian. It's er… spicy. It um… tends to be hotter. It's not the gravy-oriented food. Um… a particular specialty of Southern India is the andhra meal where you actually..

    Jul 02,2015
  • India, incredible India

    I've done a lot of travelling in my life but there’s one country I have not visited and that’s India and I would really, really like to do so...

    Jul 02,2015
  • Going Dutch

    I have no idea but I think it’s due to the fact that Amsterdam and other big places are in Holland but er… I come from the south of the Netherlands and we um… although we don’t take offence of it we er… feel quite distinctively different from the people in Holland...

    Jul 01,2015
  • Harvest moon

    It's autumn which means the arrival of the Harvest moon and the Hunter's moon. I don't know anything about this but luckily the resident astronomer is here, Richard...

    Jul 01,2015
  • Happiness

    The UK Government wants to measure our happiness, or well-being, in order to shape future government policy. So for this week's we're going to talk about what makes people happy or the criteria that happiness should be judged upon...

    Jul 01,2015
  • Boy George

    The future. Considering the future. Um... when you're on your own or when you're with... in a marriage, um... you don't necessarily think about the future as much as you... as you do when you have a child. And I'm very conscious of leaving George with um... a... a future and also um... security and a..

    Jul 01,2015
  • Fire! extra

    Well, we thought er… first of all our passports and then our credit cards and money just in case we had to stay… stay away for a few days...

    Jul 01,2015