Cambridge IELTS 03

  • Measuring organizational performance

    There is clear-cut evidence that, for a period of at least one year, supervision which increases the direct pressure for productivity can achieve significant increases in production. However, such short-term increases are obtained only at a substantial and serious cost to the organisation...

    Sep 23,2017
  • Air polution

    Air pollution is increasingly becoming the focus of government and citizen concern around the globe. From Mexico City and New York, to Singapore and Tokyo, new solutions to this old problem are being proposed, mailed and implemented with ever increasing speed...

    Sep 23,2017
  • The rocket-from east to west

    The concept of the rocket, or rather the mechanism behind the idea of propelling an object into the air, has been around for well over two thousand years. However, it wasn’t until the discovery of the reaction principle, which was the key to space travel and so represents one of the great mileston..

    Sep 23,2017
  • The risk of cigarette smoke

    Discovered in the early 1800s and named nicotianine, the oily essence now called nicotine is the main active ingredient of tobacco. Nicotine, however, is only a small component of cigarette smoke, which contains more than 4,700 chemical compounds, including 43 cancer-causing substances...

    Sep 23,2017
  • Environmental management

    The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly...

    Sep 23,2017
  • Votes for women

    The suffragette movement, which campaigned for votes for women in the early twentieth century, is most commonly associated with the Pankhurst family and militant acts of varying degrees of violence. The Museum of London has drawn on its archive collection to convey a fresh picture with its exhibit..

    Sep 23,2017
  • The scientific method

    ‘Hypotheses,’ said Medawar in 1964, ‘are imaginative and inspirational in character’; they are ‘adventures of the mind’. He was arguing in favour of the position taken by Karl Popper in The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1972, 3rd edition) that the nature of scientific method is hypoth..

    Sep 23,2017
  • Highs & Lows

    Hormone levels - and hence our moods -may be affected by the weather. Gloomy weather can cause depression, but sunshine appears to raise the spirits. In Britain, for example, the dull weather of winter drastically cuts down the amount of sunlight that is experienced which strongly affects some ..

    Sep 22,2017
  • The department of ethnography

    The Department of Ethnography was created as a separate deportment within the British Museum in 1946, offer 140 years of gradual development from the original Department of Antiquities. It is concerned with the people of Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Pacific and parts of Europe...

    Sep 22,2017
  • A remarkable beetle

    Some of the most remarkable beetles are the dung beetles, whichspend almost their whole lives eating and breeding in dung. More than 4,000 species of these remarkable creatures have evolved and adapted to the world’s different climates and the dung of its many animals...

    Sep 22,2017