Đàm thoại kinh doanh

  • Corporate responsibility

    I think corporate responsibility has to be a reflection of a holistic, an all round er… impact that a company has on society, and it becomes more important now than perhaps er… ever in the history of companies..

    Jun 27,2015
  • The cycling commuter

    How far are you willing to go to work on a bicycle? A mile? Five miles? Ten miles or more? Why not?..

    Jun 27,2015
  • Dress code

    We should be concentrating on the job people do but obviously first impressions make a big difference and um… the first time if you have a business meeting with someone, the first time you see this person um… you make a lot of assumptions: whether they’re professional, whether they can do the j..

    Jun 27,2015
  • What makes a good boss?

    Perhaps we could say the secret of being a good boss is to have had a good boss yourself and to recognise what those characteristics were.....

    Jun 27,2015
  • Booking.com (part 1 extra)

    Apart from being on Booking.com what else can hotels do? Here are a couple of ideas.....

    Jun 27,2015
  • Booking.com (Part 1)

    Booking.com say they have more than 300,000 hotels on their website.....

    Jun 27,2015
  • False claims

    Reebok claimed the shoes helped its wearers to tone calves and thighs just by walking about. But like you there's a lack of robust scientific evidence. And these shoes have fallen foul of the ASA, the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK…..

    Jun 27,2015
  • The accountant

    Fund Accountant. We prepare the glossy sets of accounts that you see for um... companies we prepare those... the figures and then send the figures to the printers, they print the accounts, we check the accounts so they are all printed correctly. Send them to the auditors for them to check them, then ..

    Jun 25,2015