Jackie: For this week's podcastsinenglish.com business podcast I'm speaking to Vaughan. Good morning, Vaughan.
Vaughan: Morning Jackie.
Jackie: You work for a bank. Which bank do you work for?
Vaughan: BNP Paribas, the French bank.
Jackie: It's a French bank.
Vaughan: Yes
Jackie: How long have you worked for them for?
Vaughan: I've worked for them for three years.
Jackie: And before that?
Vaughan: For a London company instead.
Jackie: So how long have you been working in the banking industry?
Vaughan: Since I left school er... I started doing accountancy, then worked in a... another bank and then moved to my present bank um... all the time doing things like preparing accounts.
Jackie: What is the.. what is the name of your job?
Vaughan: Fund Accountant. We prepare the glossy sets of accounts that you see for um... companies we prepare those... the figures and then send the figures to the printers, they print the accounts, we check the accounts so they are all printed correctly. Send them to the auditors for them to check them, then get the directors to approve the accounts and then we arrange to post them out to all the... the shareholders.
Jackie: Would you say that you have a typical day at work?
Vaughan: Not really, no, the... the process to prepare a set of accounts lasts about two or three months, so each day you have a different task to do and you'll have about five different sets of accounts being prepared all at the same time so every day is different.
Jackie: But that would be a... a two or three-month cycle then within the year?
Vaughan: Yes
Jackie: So do you enjoy your job?
Vaughan: Yes, yes. It's um... lots of different challenges: meeting deadlines, organising meetings, meeting the clients, all those things are interesting.
Jackie: Will you recommend people trying to do that kind of job?
Vaughan: Um... yes, I think the important thing is try and get an accountancy qualification of some type that... after you leave school, because it's not the type of thing you can just go into an office and do accountancy straight away, you need to know the fundamentals. There's lots of accounting standards that need to be learnt and understood before you can prepare accounts and also the clients expect you to have some um... either examinations or a lot of knowledge.
Jackie: You don't have to go to university though?
Vaughan: No. You don't have to, you don't have to, you can start doing some of the accountancy exams straight from... from school if you want.
Jackie: But er... do you have to be good at mathematics?
Vaughan: Not particularly. You need to be good at um... computer skills. Ex.. um... spreadsheets.
Jackie: Excel and things.
Vaughan: Excel and spreadsheets.
Jackie: Right.
Vaughan: And sending lots of emails to people.
Jackie: [laughs] Computing skills are probably needed for most jobs nowadays.
Vaughan: Yes
Jackie: Vaughan, thank you very much.
Vaughan: Thank you, Jackie.