The information given shows the income and weekly hours of four different occupations, with three of the positions being in the emergency services and the fourth being teaching.
The bar chart shows that teachers work the fewest hours, working less than 30 hours a week on average. Those involved in the police service work about 5 hours a week more than teachers at approximately 35 hours a week.
Employees in the fire service work nearly 40 hours a week, but by far the longest working week is performed by nurses, who exceed 55 hours a week, a clear 15 hours more than those worked in the fire service.
The comparatively low hours worked by teachers correlates with receiving the lowest remuneration for the position. However, the balance between hours worked and pay received is then inverted for the remaining three positions, with nurses earning the least of the three and those in the police service earning nearly £15,000 more at £52,050.