The disappearing high street (extra)
Comet 6,500 people lost their jobs and Jessops as well, smaller but still almost 1,400 staff have been made redundant. Blockbuster and HMV are still in administration at the moment. 4,000 jobs at risk with Blockbuster, 4 and a half thousand jobs at risk with HMV.
Jun 27,2015
Richard: So does this all really matter?
Jackie: Well, it certainly matters to the people working in these shops and we're talking about large chain stores all over the UK.
Richard: So... so what numbers are you talking about here?
Jackie: Comet 6,500 people lost their jobs and Jessops as well, smaller but still almost 1,400 staff have been made redundant. Blockbuster and HMV are still in administration at the moment. 4,000 jobs at risk with Blockbuster, 4 and a half thousand jobs at risk with HMV. It matters to those people. And do you think it makes the high street a less interesting place to visit, Richard?
Richard: It certainly does and I think it is a major problem for the government and they're looking into ways of turning this around.