IELTS Task 2 : Education

Student behaviour issues

Many schools have severe problems with student behaviour. What are the cause of this problem and what can be done to solve them? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Nov 23,2018

Model asnwer 1

Schools face many problems on a daily basis, one of which is poor student behaviour. This disrupts the learning process and creates a bad atmosphere at the school. What are the causes and what can be done about it?

I think that the main cause of poor student behaviour is a lack of discipline, both at home and in the classroom. Many parents consider their “little angel” to be infallible and incapable of wrongdoing. Whatever their child does, they find an excuse for it rather than explaining to the child what he/she has done wrong and/or punishing them for it. In the classroom, teachers have gradually had their options reduced. They have been forbidden to carry out certain kinds of punishment, sometimes find that they have to spend unreasonable amounts of time explaining why they punished a child and even find themselves automatically being blamed for the poor behaviour of their students. Students have picked up on this and discipline in classrooms has fallen to as a result.

I believe that alleviating this problem requires two things to be done. The first thing is to empower and, perhaps more importantly, trust the teachers. They know who the trouble-makers are in their classes and giving teachers the power to punish. Those children who deserve it- in other words, returning to the ways of the past – will reduce the number of problems teachers have. The second thing that needs to be done is to involved the parents more. If a child constantly or excessively misbehaves, his/her parents should be sent for and an explanation required of them, if they are unable to discipline their child appropriately, they should be made to take classes in parenting.

To conclude, I firmly believe that the current lack of good behaviour in some schools is a direct result of a lack of discipline and that the way to reverse the trend is self-evident.

Model asnwer 2

Whilst there are numerous reports of poor behaviour in schools across the country, I think that we need to maintain a same of perspective and remember that it is only in a small minority of cases that the situation is severe. In this essay, I shall examine the main reason for poor behaviour, in my opinion, and consider how the situation could be improved.

I think that the main cause of poor behaviour in schools is boredom on the part of the students. Their classes are not interesting enough and the things that they are expected to learn about have little relevance to their current or future lives. When children and teenagers get bored, they are far more likely to misbehave. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they tend to believe that something boring and/or irrelevant is not worth their time and energy, so they begin to “play around”, causing disruption to the class.

Reducing this problem is therefore a matter of making lessons more interesting and relevant. There are many teachers who manage to hold the attention of the leats able and worst behaved students. Schools should band together and allow these particularly able teachers to go to different schools and show teachers how to make their classes more interesting. The issue of the relevance of the curriculum is something that needs to be dealt with on a national scale. For example, instead of spending so much time teaching students mathematical formulae that they will almost certainly never use in their everyday lives, time should be spent teaching them how to calculate interest on mortgages or how to calculate their taxes.

In conclusion, reducing the amount of poor behaviour in schools is something that can be achieved if teachers and the government put their minds to it.
