Rescue teams had already reached the remote villages inmountainous Baoxing County on foot, but landslides were blocking access to aid trucks and preventing some of thecasualties from being brought out.
Now state media is reporting that a path has been cleared, although, in heavy fog, and with regular aftershocks, the going is slow.
Even in the more accessible areas of neighbouring Lushan county the aid effort has been hampered by congestion on the single road in, and some of those who've been made homeless are complaining that they've not yet received food or water.
Although on the same fault line, this earthquake was much less powerful than the one that struck Sichuan Province in 2008, and thedeath toll is not expected to rise significantly.
Once again though it is the poor who have borne the brunt of the disaster, with the biggest killer not the earthquake itself, but poorly constructed houses.
having a lot of mountains
by walking (without using transport or vehicles)
falls of rocks and earth down a mountain or slope
people who have been injured or killed in an accident or war
media organisations controlled by the government
small earthquakes that follow a bigger one
progress is difficult or slow
made difficult
a long, deep crack in the Earth's surface
the number of people who died because of an event
suffered the main effects of