Thư Viện

  • Hướng dẫn luyện kỹ năng Nghe

    Dưới đấy là những phương pháp luyện nghe hiệu quả nhất. Những phương pháp này đều đã được nghiên cứu và được áp dụng thực chứng trên rất nhiều lứa học viên ở nhiều lứa tuổi, trình độ, ngành nghề với nhiều mục đích như..

    Jul 24,2015
  • Jack Ma: Selling to Stranger, Family and Friends

    Jack Ma once said, 'When Selling to close friends and family, no matter how much you're selling to them, they will always feel you're earning their money, no matter how cheap you sell to them, they still wouldn't appreciate it.'..

    Jul 14,2015
  • Wisdom of Jack Ma condensed into 33 quotes

    Jack Ma proved that in a Communist society, an entrepreneur can succeed. He’s inspiring, visionary and unique. Be it the mass wedding, which he organizes for his employees, or the transparency about his plans, Jack’s inimitable approach to things make him stand out. His humility to accept mistake..

    Jul 14,2015
  • Valentine's Day

    It's that time of the year when couples show their love for each other by sending cards, flowers and chocolates. But Valentine's Day is not only about public displays of affection: in recent years it has also become big business...

    Jul 13,2015
  • Soap operas

    Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the UK. But what kind of programmes do British people like to watch? Well, the most-watched TV programmes every week are very popular dramas that are usually on at least four times every week...

    Jul 13,2015
  • Advent

    Christmas is the biggest festival in Britain and is celebrated on 25th December. The four weeks before Christmas are called Advent, and are traditionally celebrated in churches by lighting a candle each Sunday during Advent...

    Jul 13,2015
  • What to wear?

    One of the biggest shocks when you arrive in a new country can be the clothes people are wearing. You may look fashionable at home, but you suddenly find you are behind the times or simply someone to laugh at when you arrive abroad...

    Jul 13,2015
  • Freshers' week

    The UK has a well-respected higher education system and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world. But to those who are new to it all, it can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing...

    Jul 13,2015
  • Ozone layer 'recovering'

    The Earth's protective ozone layer is starting to repair itself, according to a panel of United Nations scientists. The main reason behind its recovery, they say, is the fact that certain chemicals, such as those used in aerosol cans, were gradually banned in the 1980s...

    Jul 13,2015
  • Deadly discovery in US labs

    Six deadly substances, some over a century old, have been discovered in government laboratories in the United States. The deadly microbes were found in a hunt that started after the accidental discovery in July of bottles of smallpox at a research centre near Washington...

    Jul 13,2015