The bar chart shows the percentages of men and women who smoked in the USA and seven Asian countries in 2005.
The chart shows that the percentage of men who smoked was highest in China (67%). Indonesia had the second-highest percentage (58%) and Bangladesh had the third-highest (5496). Similar percentages of men smoked in Japan and India (47% and 46% respectively). In the Philippines, 41% of men smoked and in Vietnam the percentage was 35%. The USA had the lowest percentage of male smokers at 24%. The highest percentage of female smokers was in Bangladesh (27%) followed by the USA (19%) and India (17%). 14% of Japanese women were smokers. The other four countries had much lower percentages of female smokers. In the Philippines, 8% of women smoked. In Indonesia, the figure was 4%. In China, the percentage was 3% and the lowest percentage was in Vietnam - 2%.