Reading practice

  • Jack Ma: Selling to Stranger, Family and Friends

    Jack Ma once said, 'When Selling to close friends and family, no matter how much you're selling to them, they will always feel you're earning their money, no matter how cheap you sell to them, they still wouldn't appreciate it.'..

    Jul 14,2015
  • Wisdom of Jack Ma condensed into 33 quotes

    Jack Ma proved that in a Communist society, an entrepreneur can succeed. He’s inspiring, visionary and unique. Be it the mass wedding, which he organizes for his employees, or the transparency about his plans, Jack’s inimitable approach to things make him stand out. His humility to accept mistake..

    Jul 14,2015
  • Think and Grow Rich

    Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature." It was the first book to boldly ask, "What makes a winner?" The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world's winners himself...

    Jun 19,2015
  • How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

    The book's goal is to lead the reader to a more enjoyable and fulfilling life, helping them to become more aware of, not only themselves, but others around them. Carnegie tries to address the everyday nuances of living, in order to get the reader to focus on the more important aspects of life...

    Jun 19,2015
  • The richest man in Babylon

    "As a young man, I came across George Samuel Clason's classic 1926 book The Richest Man in Babylon, which offered commonsense financial advice told through ancient parables. I recommend it to everyone." --Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game ..

    Jun 18,2015
  • Nasreddin Hodja funny stories

    The Nasreddin stories are known throughout the Middle East and have touched cultures around the world...

    Jun 18,2015
  • Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba

    First established in 1738 as a stand for peddlers, Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba was opened in 1830 in the town center at Via Port'Alba 18, Naples, Italy. It is is widely believed to be the world's first pizzeria..

    Nov 11,2013
  • Ingredients and Cooking of Pizza

    Pizza can be baked in an oven with stone bricks above the heat source, an electric deck oven, a conveyor belt oven or, in the case of more expensive restaurants, a wood- or coal-fired brick oven...

    Nov 11,2013
  • The History of Pizza

    The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples, Italy but the word pizza is Greek in origin, derived from the Greek word pēktos meaning solid or clotted. ..

    Nov 11,2013
  • Academy Awards List

    The awards were first given in 1929 at a ceremony created for the awards, at the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood. The following is a listing of all Academy Awards ceremonies since then.  ..

    Nov 11,2013