The table indicates household spending (as percentages of the total) in eight areas in a Chinese city in the years 1990 and 2005.
Spending rose, as a percentage, in four areas-medical services (from 1 % to 6% - the largest relative increase), transport and communications (from 2% to 9%), recreation, education and culture (from 12% to 15%) and accommodation (from 5°/o to 8%). The rise in relative spending on transport and communications moved that item from the second-smallest one to the third-largest.
Spending remained the same, as a percentage, in two areas. The percentage spent on household appliances remained at 7% and the percentage spent on other items remained at 6%. Spending fell, as a percentage, in two areas - food and clothing. Expenditure on food took over half (56%) of household spending in 1990. This dropped to 43% in 2005, remaining the largest item. Relative expenditure on clothing fell by almost half, from 11 % in 1990 to 6% in 2005.