Since the beginning of time, water has been shaping the face of the Earth. Water sustains human life, our environment and our cultures. But the global demand for water is increasing and the destruction of water-dependent ecosystems has accelerated.
From my point of view, the main reason of scarcity of water resource is the rapid population growth, especially in developing countries. In order to meet the great demand for water, people exploit water resource in various ways. Water supply sources are being stretched to their limits. And surface and groundwater pollution is increasing rapidly. Research indicates that over 1 billion people still do not have access to safe water supplies and over 1.7 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities.
Another reason is the development of industry and agriculture. In some developing countries, some private factories make use of water resource low-efficiently and make much pollution. Irrigated agriculture also contributes to water scarcity. Despite the high yield, irrigation is extremely water intensive. It takes about 1,000 tons of water to grow one ton of grain and 2,000 tons to grow one ton of rice.