It was in the 1980s that many of us became aware that small individual actions could harm the planet itself.
Hairsprays were cited as one of the causes of the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer. People were told to wear sunscreen to avoid skin cancer as the layer thinned and more UV light got through.
By 1987 world governments had agreed to ban most of the ozone-eating chemicals.
The World Meteorological Organisation say at last the ozone layer is showing signs of thickening, although it will be a while before they know if the hole is actually healing.
The same organisation warned earlier this week that climate change was heading in the opposite direction with greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a record level.
having knowledge of something existing
hurt or injure
light from the sun humans can't see and which can cause cancer
(here) recovering
alerted about danger
significant variation in the Earth's temperature
carbon dioxide and other gases which cause climate change