There are some employers who offer university graduates higher salaries than other worker who did not study at university. Employees performing the same work-related tasks are therefore not paid equally because some went to university and some did not. As a result, employees who attended and graduated from university are given a financial advantage over those who did not.
In a way paying university graduates makes more sense. Employees who attended university for a period of at least three years have proven that they are disciplined. The many hours of sacrifice required to achieve a university degree shows that individuals have the ability to maintain a focus for the duration of their studies.
However, university studies are very different from the tasks assigned those in the workplace. Just because individuals are successful in completing a course of study at university does not necessarily mean they will be good employees. I have heard of numerous examples where university graduates were not effective in their positions and had to be demoted to lesser roles. Remuneration should be performance-based, according to the individual contributions made by the employee on the job, not according to whether or not an individual went to university. Consider a secretarial position that needs to be filled in a company. It is both unfair and discriminating for an employer to pay two different people doing the same job a higher or lower salary simply because one of them went university and the other did not.