For people who are fairly healthy to start with, staying healthy is common sense. Even when something challenges the body’s well-being – a minor illness or accident – the body has its own resources to deal with the problem. The strength of those resources depends largely on what we eat. A healthy diet can do a great deal to boost the body’s immune system – its ability to fight infection.
For example, there’s the sort of cough that most of us get in the winter time. What we do, as a rule, is to go to our local chemist or doctor’s surgery and get some medicine. But maybe there’s a better answer: why don’t we go to a greengrocer’s shop and get some extra fruit and vegetables will do is boost our general health and give us a better chance of resisting illness for the rest of the winter.
The sudden improvement in diet may not cure this particular cough (but the medicine may not cure it either). What the extra fruit and vegetables will do is boost our general health and give us a better chance of resisting illness for the rest of the winter.