Podcasts in English

Animal odd couples

Well, I saw a video and actually it made the papers in the UK and this was at an animal sanctuary. And it was a puppy, I think it was a six months old dog, adopted a baby owl.

Jul 04,2015

Richard: For this week's podcastsinenglish.com we're talking about animal odd couples. Now I know, Jackie, that you've been looking at You Tube this morning, haven't you. Now what did you find there?


Jackie: Yes um... lots of very funny stories. My favourite one was from Indonesia and it's the story of a monkey and a baby cat.


Richard: A kitten.


Jackie: A kitten yes, a kitten.

Richard: So what happened?

Jackie: Well the... the monkey was a pet.

Richard: Right

Jackie: Eight years old, a long-tailed monkey.

Richard: Oh, quite an old monkey then.

Jackie: Eight years? Yes, yes. And um... it decided to adopt um... a kitten from a cat that had lots of kittens recently. [It] decided to keep one of the kittens as its own baby.


Richard: Wow. And so how did it look after the kitten, then?


Jackie: Well, it carried the kitten around like a baby monkey. It stroked the kitten and it was er... checking it for fleas.


Richard: [laughs] Well, I saw a video and actually it made the papers in the UK and this was at an animal sanctuary. And it was a puppy, I think it was a six months old dog, adopted a baby owl.


Jackie: A dog and a baby owl, Richard, that sounds very strange.


Richard: It is very strange. Um... they took the baby owl from its mother er... it was only a few days old because they thought that the mother was going to eat the baby. I'm not sure why and um... the keeper there fed it, with the dog, and they formed some sort of bond.


Jackie: Wow. So the dog wasn't aggressive towards the owl?

Richard: Quite the opposite. In actual fact um... they are often to be seen watching telly together on the sofa.


Jackie: Hmm. Now so I assume with the kitten, when it's a cat it will run away and your story with the baby owl, it will fly away but they're not just temporary stories, are they?


Richard: I believe there's one which has lasted quite some years, isn't there?

Jackie: Yes. The dog and the deer.

Richard: So what happened there?

Jackie: Again baby deer to start with.

Richard: A fawn.

Jackie: A fawn, yes.  Um... abandoned by its mother and was looked after by a couple, this was in the US, who had a dog and for some reason the dog and the deer, the young deer, just became friends. Now that started five years ago and amazingly...


Richard: ...they're still together today?

Jackie: They're still together. They play together and they sleep together.

Richard: Wow. And there are millions of these um... stories, aren't there?

Jackie: Yeah. There are loads of videos on You Tube about animal odd couples. There's the tortoise and the goose...


Richard: How about this one? The elephant and the sheep.


Jackie: Yeah. [laughs] And the dog and the baby tiger cubs as well.

Richard: I don't know how that's going to end up. [Jackie laughs]
